Thursday, February 19, 2009

the sun is shining, the tank is clean!

There is a friend of mine who has a blog. I like this person and so I check this blog often, hoping that there is a new post, picture or the like, but I have been disappointed for a month. I am not presumptuous enough to think that someone might be watching me the same way, but on the chance that there is I am going to update my life to the world.
Or to whoever is stalking me.
One of the reasons that I have not posted is because I felt a little frazzled and I dont like to let people know when I am upset. Dad has taught me that I have to smile, no matter what, and so I decided to hide a little until I felt that smile become real. And now the weather is helping me out with that. There have been three days of sun and I love it. Tanning is not something I do for fun, but I love to feel the sun on my face, and warm baby breezes in my hair. I have gotten over the lump of homework that needed to be done, and now I the weekend will be here soon and I will finish the rest of it. social life is developing and I am feeling confident all the way around.
also I have gotten to sleep in everyday this week!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

chocolate coverd wheat thins

After school I went to the temple, I usually try to get other people to come with me but today I decided that I needed some time to think for myself. It took longer that I thought it would, but that was a good thing because I got some of the wrinkles of my brain ironed out.
Then when I came out my hair was still wet and I had the memorable experience of having frozen hair. it's not something I recommend for frequent experience, but it is funny once in a while.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I never liked the rain till I walked through it with you

I came out of my class today and it was raining!! I love the RAIN, it makes me feel like home. I just closed my eyes and breathed it in. that's my favorite part, the SMELL of it. and then at work I heard it on the roof. it's a high ceiling and it's a metal ROOF, so it sounded perfect. and the best part of is is that now with the rain if finally feels almost WARM.

Friday, January 16, 2009

he could be that boy, I'm not that girl

I made it through another week, and I'm getting better at the homework. I started to get frustrated that dating wasn't going exactly the way I wanted or as fast as I wanted, but then I remembered that I need to be myself. I need to become a better me, but it still has to be me.
so now I am just going to sit back and enjoy my weekend, even though that means that I'll spend hours doing homework.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

cruel irony

this week my teacher asked me to watch a video online. curiously the video was about children who spend to much time on their computers and how that is becoming a problem. funny that I had to watch that while I was on my computer...

Monday, January 12, 2009

it started with water balloons

I finally finished the duct tape jacket today. We started it in August and have used it as an excuse to hang out, but a lot of time we never really worked on it. But Chad told Ryan that he wanted to wear it for a dance this week and asked if we could finish it. So now it's done, and it turned out beautifully. It has pockets and lapels and everything. I wanted it to be fitted but it was enough just to get it done.

Friday, January 9, 2009

a real good day

basically I am one of the luckiest people that I know. late last night Kristen told me that my car had been booted because I was parked in the wrong spot. I was rather upset about this, partly because I dont have $50 to pay for it, and partly because I didnt know that I wasn't supposed to park there and partly because I felt like I should have been warned by the management.
BUT... today before school I went out to see about it and it was GONE!! at first I was worried that I just couldnt see it, so I got Kristen to come see and she began to be astonished that it was, like I thought, not there. I dont know how or who took it off but thank you so much.
the only thing I can think of is that prayer works.

ok, I give

finally I have become converted to blogging. I thing it will take me a while to get used to it but just email, cell phones and facebook there gets to be a point where it's better to join the fun even if it takes away another slice of time out of my life.